
who we are

Worry less, enjoy life more

LostDoc.com has one objective - to help you enjoy your life, safe in the knowledge that your files are protected from harm. We offer you exceptionally easy file storage and back-up solutions, so you can take the hassle out of backing up your important documents.

We take pride in offering a service that is reliable, affordable and convenient for businesses and families to use. We'll give you the back-up service you want, at a price that won't hurt your wallet - so why not buy one of our plans today and see just how easy it is to safeguard your files.

We care about your business

Companies across the world are achieving incredible things on an everyday basis. But all too often, the importance of backing up data is forgotten along the way. Loss of data can have massive impacts for a company, and we want to stop this from happening - that's why we've come up with a secure and effective back-up service for businesses.

We'll back up your information up to multiple locations around the globe. When disaster strikes, we'll help to rapidly recover your files and even restore your critical servers and code base. What's more, our software is affordable, simple and user friendly.  So ask yourself - can you afford not to use LostDoc.com?


Have you heard of our sister companies, File.Digital and XS.email? Together, we can offer you an integrated service including ultra-secure storage, file sharing and instant back-ups for your data. Talk to us today about revolutionising the way your business shares information. 


  • Simple We can visit your home or business, or back up your files via courier - simply let us know what works best for you. You can manage your back-ups via your PC or mobile device, and give family or staff members access to important files. We'll make backing up your data a walk in the park.
  • Reliable We back up our files to multiple data centres across the world, giving you an added level of protection for your files. None of us expects disaster to strike - but when one does, we'll be ready to restore your precious information.
  • Vital For families, nothing is worse than losing a treasured memento or an important document such as a life insurance policy. For businesses, having a best-in-class back-up service can make the difference between a small hiccup and a serious crisis. Don't wait until you lose your files to act - choose LostDoc.com today.